Phoenix Grey is known in the West Coast Swing community for his proficiency in both leading and following. In 2013, he created the group "Degendering West Coast Swing" to rally support for the removal of gender restrictions from WCS competitions. With the support of the community and his predecessors, the WCS circuit began to remove the gender restrictions. From there, he became one of the first dancers to earn an Allstar ranking in both roles.
Having walked the "walk-walk" on both sides, his teaching style focuses on connection, technique, and effective partnering. Phoenix is celebrated for his playful musicality and shameless confidence on the dance floor. He now spends multiple weekends each month traveling, teaching, competing, DJing, and judging around the world.
Phoenix Grey is a Portland-based dancer known in the West Coast Swing community for his proficiency in both leading and following. In 2013, he created the group "Degendering West Coast Swing" to rally support for the removal of gender restrictions from WCS competitions. With the support of the community and his predecessors, the WCS circuit began to remove the gender restrictions. From there, he became one of the first dancers to earn an Allstar ranking in both roles.
Having walked the "walk-walk" on both sides, his teaching style focuses on connection, technique, and effective partnering. Phoenix is celebrated for his playful musicality and shameless confidence on the dance floor. He now spends multiple weekends each month traveling, teaching, competing, DJing, and judging around the world.
Phoenix regularly teaches on Monday evenings at
Dance With Joy Studios
8051 SE 16th Ave
Portland, OR 97202
You can also catch him teaching and DJing all around Portland on rotation at West Coast Swing Wednesdays (Norse Hall), with the Portland Swing Dance Club (PSDC) and various Stomptown dances (a local LGBTQ+ dance community).
You can sign up for his weekly classes below!